Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Post On the Blog

I will soon be embarking on a grand adventure. After being asked by a number of people for regular email updates of said grand adventure, I was feeling a little overwhelmed.
Then, a brilliant idea: a blog! Problem solved.

So I assume if you're reading this, you're either in the family/friend category and know what I shall be doing Aug. 30, but here's a quick reminder: JAPAN!!!

I'll be studying at Kansai Gaidai in Japan from Aug.30-Dec.22. I'll be taking lots and lots of photos and updating this blog so everyone knows what I'm up to.
Usual questions I get about Japan:
1. Do you speak Japanese?
-Yes! Well, sort of. I've taken Japanese for the past 2 years and have declared it as my major.
2. Why Japan? Why Japanese?
-I took my first Japanese language class on a whim and really loved it. It was challenging, interesting and fun. Everything a class/subject should be! And the more Japanese I learned, the more interesting, challenging and fun it got. And now, here we are.
3. Do you like fish?
-No, actually. Hopefully that will change in Japan otherwise life may be difficult.
4. Are you staying with a host family?
-Yes. I won't know anything about them until I meet them, though.
5. Are you excited/nervous?
-Yes and no. Excited, but not nervous. I still can't believe I'm actually going to get to go live in Japan. It doesn't feel real. I have a feeling that once I get on the plane, I'll start getting nervous though!
Even though I'm not nervous, I'm starting to get stressed over all the pre-Japan stuff. I started trying to figure out what I'm going to pack today and it's going to be a long slog, because I am the world's worst packer. I never know what I need and I always end up bringing too much stuff and forgetting something of the utmost importance. I just hope that what I forget this time isn't *too* important.
I also need to find some sort of gift for my host family as well as collect some photos to show them of my life here in the states. I have no idea what I should get for my host family since I don't know how many people are in their family, if they have kids or not, etc. Any gift ideas would be most appreciated!