Thursday, January 28, 2010


I'm a little less grumpy now and am making more of an effort to fight off the apathy. It might be a bit easier to kick things in gear now that I have my finalized class schedule (I think). There's been some drama lately what with me over-enrolling, the international office thinking I was in classes I never registered for, old classes that I dropped appearing on my schedule again in place of classes I added in their stead and classes at the same time (though that last problem looks like it's here to stay).
So, this is (probably, hopefully) my definite class roster for this semester:

Creative Writing Workshop
Probably my favorite class, even though I haven't been the most prolific. Ideally, we're all supposed to submit something for critique once a week, but most people don't. I thought I'd make a decent effort to write something critique-able once a week, but have already failed... Still, I really like the professor. She's a published author herself and her critiques are very insightful and helpful.

Women Writers in Britain and America
We just finished reading Beloved, my second Toni Morrison book and I think I'm officially a fan. I'd really like to read more of her work and can't believe it's taken me this long to start. Women Writers, despite the great book we've gotten to read so far, has left me a little disappointed. I guess I hadn't realized how spoiled I was by Beloit English classes.

Fun, I think? This is one of those classes I have at the same time as a lot of others, so I usually only make it to the weekly lab which is a shame because I'm genuinely interested in the subject. Still, even though I don't go to this class too often, I still have a better grasp of what's going on, than in my other biology class!

Infection and Immunity
I wasn't too excited to take this class (it's easily my least favorite), but Genetics is only half a credit, so I needed another half biology credit to make up the difference. I go to most of the lectures in this class as well as the labs, but am usually lost 95% of the time. I don't think I'm the big lecture hall, big lab type. :/

Gender Performatives
This class is possibly the most difficult one I have. It's a 300 level gender studies course, which wouldn't be too awful if, you know, I'd ever taken any gender studies courses before. Nope, a 300 level class is my introduction to the subject. Oh well. It's certainly been keeping me on my toes and the class size as well as our discussions remind me a little bit of Beloit, which is nice.

Public Health and the ReProduction of the Nation 1800 to the Present
I actually haven't been to this class yet, so I'm not sure if it's good or not. I was in another history class up until this morning, but suddenly I was placed in this class (according to my online schedule) so... it looks like I have this class now instead! (I'll never figure out Lancaster.) It's all right, because I signed up for this class on registration day, then changed it later that afternoon to a different history class and now it looks like I'm right back to taking it. I could protest this sudden, unasked-for class change, but I'm trying to make renewed efforts to go with the flow so... Public Health and the ReProduction of the Nation it is!

Besides school, I've also been working on my thief skills. Exhibit A:

Lancaster doesn't provide us with toilet paper! And if they didn't *want* me to steal my own from the public bathrooms on campus, they'd make more of an effort to lock down their TP instead of just stacking it in little pyramids next to the bathroom sinks.

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