Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cinque Terre

On our first full day in Florence (April 4th) everything was closed because it was Easter so we took a train out to Cinque Terre, which are five little villages along the coast with a foot path connecting each one.
We had had not so good a night our first night in Florence because we had to sleep in what we came to call The Terrible Tent and it truly was terrible, but I'll get back to that later. Suffice it to say, we needed a nice day out and Cinque Terre turned out to be just that.
I don't think I'll bother with describing the day or the sights with paltry adjectives that probably won't get the job done. Instead, I'll just post some of my photos from that day (of which there unfortunately aren't too many because my camera ran out of battery!).

After our great day out and about, we had to return to The Terrible Tent. The reason we were there in the first place was because we'd had a great camp site experience in Rome and figured another hostel camping site in Florence wouldn't be too bad. We were literally given a tent with a wooden platform inside and some beds with one, thin fleece blanket each. It had been raining and everything was kind of damp, so not only was it already freezing but it was impossible to get warm again.
I've made it through 21 years of Wisconsin winters and that tent was truly unbearable. Michelle and I only survived the second night by putting on all of the clothes we owned, squishing together in a single bed, and using all of the fleece blankets. Don't worry though - the next morning we checked out of that hell hole and got a new hostel with walls. (Though hell hole is probably the wrong description here because hell would have been a lot warmer!)

Michelle and I preparing for our second night in The Terrible Tent:

(Note: We only look odd and lumpy because we're wearing ten layers of clothing!)

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