Monday, June 21, 2010


So on May 20th, Michelle and I *finally* took a train down to London. 'Have you been to London yet?' and 'How's London?' have been two questions I've received with some frequency from people back home. It was really about time we explored England's capital.

Michelle had a high school friend, Almas, studying in London and she generously volunteered her room to us. (She was out of town for most of our time there.) First order of business in London:

Conveniently Almas lives super close to King's Cross. The day after we returned to Lancaster, they were filming a scene from the new Harry Potter movie in King's Cross. Such bad luck. :(

Our first night in London we mostly hung about, but the next day we properly began weaving our way through the sights of London.

Big Ben!

Buckingham Palace!

Soldiers in funny hats!

Elephant statues!

We also saw two shows while in London: Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty's Theatre and Henry VII at the Globe. Neither Michelle and I had ever seen/read Henry VII before, so it was a test of our English major might to see if we could follow it. I missed some of the finer points, but for the most part followed it quite well, though I'm sure that had something to do with how brilliantly it was put on. If I lived in London, I would see as many Shakespeare plays as I could. (And you can't beat the ticket price: just 5 quid for a "groundling" or standing ticket.)

Outside view of the Globe:

Inside the Globe:

Michelle and I also went to the British Museum, the Tate Modern, and the London museum. One of the nice things about the UK is that all of their museums are FREE. All three museums were very awesome. I could have easily spent all day in the British Museum. It just went on forever and ever. (I had to hit up the Japanese Gallery before we left, of course.)

It was incredibly hot in London the entire time we were there, but thankfully London has quite large and beautiful parks to rest in. Doesn't this look like heaven?

After a lovely time in London it was back to Lancaster for (gulp) finals.

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