Friday, June 11, 2010


Almost as soon as we returned to Lancaster, Michelle and I went on a trip organized through Lancaster Uni to go to Wales for a day trip (May 1st). We didn't know when next we'd get a chance to see anything of Wales, so even though we were still recovering from our 5 weeks roaming the European continent, we jumped at the chance to go.

In the first town we went to, we explored a castle and walked around the town a smidgen.

Inside the castle

Michelle in a tower

The king's toilet

The other town we went to was having a fair, so the streets were packed full of carnival rides, games and events. We didn't partake in any, but it was nice to just walk around and enjoy the atmosphere.

The little bit of Wales we were able to see was fantastic and all the people we bumped into were incredibly friendly. (One old man chased me down the street because I'd forgotten my water bottle inside his store and he didn't want me to be without it.)
It was a tad rainy, but that's only to be expected over on this side of the pond. Overall, it was a nice little trip (and one where we didn't have to search for a hostel, so it was already fantastic just for that reason alone!).

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